KIB OpenIR  > 昆明植物所硕博研究生毕业学位论文
甜假虎刺、圆苞大戟、丁茄和弯柄刺天茄的 化学成分及生物活性研究; Studies on the Chemical Constituents and Bioactivities of Carissa edulis, Euphorbia griffithii, Solanum incanum and S. indicum var. recurvatum
Thesis Advisor张颖君
AbstractThe genera, Carissa, Euphorbia and Solanum, have attracted attention from researchers owing to their possession of interesting pharmacologically active constituents. This dissertation comprises six parts. First and foremost, a preamble in which a historical overview of the role of medicinal plants in modern medicines is briefly reviewed. Subsequently, chapters 1-4 present studies on the chemical constituents and bioactivities of Carissa edulis (Forssk.) Vahl (Apocynaceae), Euphorbia griffithii (spurges, Euphorbiaceae), Solanum incanum L., and S. indicum var. recurvatum (Solanaceae), respectively. In chapter 5, an ethnopharmacological, phytochemical and pharmacological studies review on the genera Solanum and Carissa are featured. On the basis of chromatographic methods and spectroscopic evidences, a total of 58 compounds, including 19 new ones, were isolated from the above mentioned four plants. Moreover, where applicable, the cytotoxic and anti-inflammatory activities of the isolated compounds were evaluated. Chapter 1 Studies on the Chemical Constituents and Bioactivities of Carissa edulis C. edulis (Forssk.) Vahl is a medicinal plant locally growing in Kenya and other parts of Africa. Previous phytochemical investigations on this plant have unveiled it as a source of interesting compounds. Thus far, at least 36 compounds, including 10 sesquiterpenes, four monoterpenes and seven lignans from the roots, three flavonoids, one triterpene and three sterols from the leaves, eight simple phenolics from the leaves and roots, have been reported from the titled plant. Pharmacological studies on this plant displayed antiplasmodial, diuretic, anti-convulsant, anti-herpetic, antiviral, and anti-diabetic activities. In Kenya, C. edulis grows naturally by the foot of Mount Kenya and is utilized by the locals to treat malaria and antiviral infections. Previous study on the Kenyan C. edulis reported only lupeol, oleuropein, carissol and β-amyrin from the root barks. Therefore, this study was carried out in order to uncover more new compounds with potent anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory activities. Here in, the isolation of ten new glycosides, including six apiosylated phenylpropanoids (1-6), one coumarin-secoiridoid hybrid (7), three furofuran lignans (8-10), together with thirteen known compounds (11–23) from the root barks of C. edulis are reported. The new structures were elucidated by exhaustive analysis of their spectroscopic data, as well as experimental and calculated ECD results. The relative configurations of 5 and 6 were determined by interpretation of hetero half-filtered TOCSY (HETLOC) and ROESY spectra. Configurations of sugar moieties were resolved by chemical derivations. Compounds 1-6 represent the first examples of apiosylated phenolics from the genus Carissa, whilst 7, an example of a group of rare coumarin-secoiridoid hybrids, established a new precedent in the genus Carissa, and the entire Apocynaceae family.
Document Type学位论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
JOSEPH SAKAH KAUNDA. 甜假虎刺、圆苞大戟、丁茄和弯柄刺天茄的 化学成分及生物活性研究, Studies on the Chemical Constituents and Bioactivities of Carissa edulis, Euphorbia griffithii, Solanum incanum and S. indicum var. recurvatum[D],2020.
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